
  • In Europe and America, the Western Church fails to comprehend the idea of suffering and persecution.

    In Europe and America, the Western Church fails to comprehend the idea of suffering and persecution.

    In Western Christian culture, rejection, ridicule, shame, and suffering for Christ and the gospel are often considered abnormal. Many believers hold an implicit expectation that a life of faith should be relatively free from such…

  • The Sodomization of the West: America and Europe

    The Sodomization of the West: America and Europe

    “The Sodomization of the West” refers to the moral and spiritual decline observed in America and Europe, likening these regions to the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. According to the biblical narrative, God destroyed…

  • If America is Sodom, Does That Make Europe Gomorrah?

    If America is Sodom, Does That Make Europe Gomorrah?

    The Bible’s story of Sodom and Gomorrah shows the consequences of widespread immorality and divine judgment. God eradicated these ancient cities as a result of their sinful behavior, particularly their engagement in homosexuality. The narrative…

Author Profile

The Preacher

The chief editor of Eternally Saved Magazine is an accomplished Christian content writer, Gospel preacher, theologian, ordained minister, and anointed servant of God.
