Christianity News Daily

  • Can The Catholics Go To Heaven After Death? –

    Can The Catholics Go To Heaven After Death? –

    Comparing Christianity and Catholicism: Highlighting 20 Key Differences In the dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3, Jesus emphasized the necessity of being “born again” through water and the Spirit, which many interpret as…

  • Examining the Rapture, the Day of the Lord, and the Second Coming in depth. –

    Examining the Rapture, the Day of the Lord, and the Second Coming in depth. –

    A Comprehensive Study of The Rapture, the Day of the Lord, and the Second Coming are not just theological concepts but pivotal events that many believers eagerly anticipate.  Frequently discussed collectively, these occasions profoundly impact…

  • A Warning and a Call to Salvation –

    A Warning and a Call to Salvation –

    The Bible, revered as the infallible Word of God by Christians, provides clear and compelling teachings about the existence and nature of Hell.  An eternal punishment zone designated for the irreligious and wicked is how…

  • God’s Vengeance for His Children –

    God’s Vengeance for His Children –

    The Bible extensively explores divine vengeance and how God protects His faithful followers. This subject revolves around the revelation of God’s justice, mercy, and faithfulness when individuals sincerely seek Him and cry out to Him…

  • Salvation According to Romans 8:24 –

    Salvation According to Romans 8:24 –

    An In-Depth Study on Hope and Assurance in Christ Introduction Salvation, a core tenet of the Christian faith, promises eternal life and reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ. To understand this, we delve into the…

  • The Dangers of Christians Practicing Yoga –

    The Dangers of Christians Practicing Yoga –

    Yoga, a widely embraced exercise and relaxation practice, may appear harmless. Nevertheless, Christians must address its noteworthy spiritual risks. This article explores yoga’s origins, potential dangers for Christians, and how it contrasts with our methods…

  • Yoga vs. Christian Meditation –

    Yoga vs. Christian Meditation –

    In recent years, yoga has gained immense popularity worldwide, including among Christians who seek its purported benefits of relaxation, physical fitness, and mental clarity. This trend is not without its concerns. From a biblical perspective,…

  • Can Christians Who Practice Yoga Be Considered Born Again? –

    Can Christians Who Practice Yoga Be Considered Born Again? –

    The practice of yoga has gained popularity, even among Christians. While many Christians do yoga for its physical advantages, they should also consider its spiritual origins and consequences. This article addresses the scriptural warnings against…

  • How do yoga’s trans-meditational techniques differ from Christian Meditation on God and scriptures? –

    How do yoga’s trans-meditational techniques differ from Christian Meditation on God and scriptures? –

    Yoga’s trans-meditational techniques and Christian Meditation on God and scriptures differ significantly in their approaches, underlying philosophies, and goals. Here’s a detailed comparison: Approach and Techniques Yoga: Physical Postures (Asanas): This involves various physical postures…

  • How Christians Can Conquer Giants in Their Lives and Bring Glory to God” –

    How Christians Can Conquer Giants in Their Lives and Bring Glory to God” –

    The story of David and Goliath is one of the most renowned tales of courage, faith, and divine intervention found in the Bible. Situated in 1 Samuel 17, this narrative reveals how a young shepherd…

Author Profile

The Preacher

The chief editor of Eternally Saved Magazine is an accomplished Christian content writer, Gospel preacher, theologian, ordained minister, and anointed servant of God.
