Christianity News Daily

  • “These are the Children of

    “These are the Children of

    “Children of God” has great significance in Christian theology. It signifies individuals who have experienced a spiritual rebirth and are fully committed to following Christ. These “true children” stand out for their fidelity, submission, and…

  • The Divine Purpose of Rejection

    The Divine Purpose of Rejection

    We all experience rejection, and it can cause profound pain and confusion. However, in the Bible, rejection has a transforming power that shapes and refines those whom God has chosen to carry out His purposes.…

  • Understanding Rejection in Western Christianity

    Understanding Rejection in Western Christianity

    A Call to Recognize and Embrace Its Significance Western Christians view rejection, ridicule, shame, and suffering as uncommon occurrences. Many believers hold an implicit expectation that a life of faith should be essentially free from…

  • The Suffering and Martyrdom for the Sake of the Gospel in Hebrews 11

    The Suffering and Martyrdom for the Sake of the Gospel in Hebrews 11

    The Epistle to the Hebrews, particularly chapter 11, often called the “Faith Hall of Fame,” poignantly reminds us of the trials, tribulations, and unwavering faith of those who lived before and after Christ. This chapter…

  • The Benefits of Suffering for Christ

    The Benefits of Suffering for Christ

    Suffering and persecution for the sake of Christ are recurring themes throughout the New Testament, reflecting the experiences of the early Church and providing guidance for modern believers. Many contemporary Christians may find it difficult…

  • Rejection by Men Means God’s Approval

    Rejection by Men Means God’s Approval

    Everyone has experienced rejection, a familiar feeling that frequently causes excruciating pain and confusion. Rejection, however, has a transforming power in the Bible that molds and refines those God has selected to accomplish His purposes.…

  • Shedding Light on the Persecuted Church

    Shedding Light on the Persecuted Church

    In a world where faith often faces severe opposition, the global Christian community stands united in its commitment to spreading the gospel. For many believers, this dedication comes at a tremendous personal cost. Christianity News…

  • Extremist Muslims ruthlessly attacked Christians in Uganda, leaving them

    Extremist Muslims ruthlessly attacked Christians in Uganda, leaving them

    Nairobi, Kenya: Two evangelists are still receiving hospital treatment two weeks after hardline Muslims in eastern Uganda beat them unconscious for proclaiming Christ, sources said. In the last six years, Samuel Mukiibi, 27, and 25-year-old Ephraim…

  • A Pakistani court has ruled that Christians must have an ‘Islam’

    A Pakistani court has ruled that Christians must have an ‘Islam’

    Lahore, Pakistan: A court in Pakistan denied a Christian victim of fake conversion to change the religious designation of Islam and the Muslim name that his Muslim employers fraudulently registered on his National Identity Card,…

  • How Denominations Intentionally Rebelled Against God and Implemented Their Doctrines. –

    How Denominations Intentionally Rebelled Against God and Implemented Their Doctrines. –

    Allow Speaking in Tongues: A Critical Examination of Contemporary Christian Denominations Speaking in tongues should not be prohibited, as it holds significant spiritual importance for true Christians. However, denominations have chosen to depart from conventional…

Author Profile

The Preacher

The chief editor of Eternally Saved Magazine is an accomplished Christian content writer, Gospel preacher, theologian, ordained minister, and anointed servant of God.
